Silicone injection molding or vacuum casting is used for the production of small series or to duplicate prototypes and models in a short space of time. Starting from the model produced via CNC, SLA or SLS or a sculpture made by clay carving as a master mold, the mark is made on a piece of silicone. This mold is then used through vacuum casting to produce exact duplicates of the original products.
This technology is especially suitable for the manufacture of rubber prototypes or rubbery materials such as Polyurethane (PU), although additives can be added to it to give similar functional characteristics to PMMA, PC or ABS, among others. You can also color the injected parts or even make them transparent.
PS: The maximum size is 1000 mm × 800 mm × 800 mm, and the tolerance can be controlled up to 100 mm / ± 0.20 mm.
PS: A silicone mold can be used up to 25 times, but the best results are guaranteed with 15-20 uses. The thickness of the duplicated part must be greater than 2.5 mm.
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